Monday, July 20, 2015

Keep Kids Cooking

Summer may mean that all routine goes out the window, but it also means that kids have more time at home to start learning to plan and prepare meals.  My daughter has been cooking for 4 years now, and although we're not ready to start our own kid-prodigy-cooking-reality TV show, 4 years of cooking dinner once a week has provided her with some skills.
This was a simple, but tasty dinner she made for us recently.  Corn on the cob, roasted potatoes, marinated-grilled chicken with a creamy shallot sauce and tossed salad.  More than just the basic cooking of an entree, we work on planning 2-3 veggie or fruit dishes with each meal.  If you're not ready to start cooking classes with your kiddos this summer, here are 3 easy ways get your kids ready to start cooking:

  1. Let them plan a menu.  When you plan out your weekly or monthly menu, have them help you plan out what dishes they'd like to try.  Be sure that they include 2-3 fruit or vegetable dishes to go along with the entree. (You can take this a step further and have them help grocery shop for that week's menu.)
  2. Have them set the table.  As the habit of sitting down to family dinner goes by the wayside, so does health and nutrition.  Eat together, and have your kids learn how to set a proper table that accommodates your menu.
  3. Have them help wash and prep.  Rinsing produce, putting frozen peas in a bowl to be microwaved, or tearing up lettuce for a salad are safe, simple ways to start giving your kids ownership of the meal.  What they help plan and prepare, they are more likely to eat.  
So without being overwhelmed, start small and work your way up to teaching your children to cook.  Few life-skills will serve them better that cooking and enjoying healthful food.  And although it may be frustrating, it does pay off - that picture above is proof!

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