Friday, March 7, 2014

Choosing Cereal: Rule of 5s

Breakfast cereal is convenient part many a busy morning.  And in many cases, cold cereal provides some great nutrition.  However, not all cereal is created equal.  Many breakfast cereals are full of added sugar, leaving out the whole grains for which this food is named.  So how does one successfully navigate the cereal aisle?  Try using this rule of 5s for optimal cereal nutrition, or for those trying to baby step their way towards better nutrition, you can start with the rule of 9&3.

Rule of 5s

Look at the nutrition label and choose a cereal with:
  1. 5 or less grams of sugar per serving
  2. 5 or more grams of fiber per serving
My kids tend to want to revolt if all they find in the pantry is "rule of 5" cereals.  So I have created a slightly more relaxed rule to keep them from raiding their friends pantry in search of greater cereal variety.  

Rule of 9&3

Look at the nutrition label and choose a cereal with:
  1. 9 or less grams of sugar per serving
  2. 3 or more grams of fiber per serving
 We usually end up eating a combination of both of the above cereals.  So choose wisely, and enjoy all the benefits that whole grains adds to your diet with cold cereal.  Whether sogging up in a bowl of milk, or dry as a quick snack, cereal can provide serious nutrition.


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